Sunday, February 10, 2013

What Have We Done?

We did it!  Our little man is home and adapting well to his new environment.  He is a BRAT, to say the least!  He's smart but is gonna be a challenging child, we are hoping that big brother doesn't teach him too many "smart" naughty tricks but we will have to see about that.  In old age Toby's tricks continue to  be cleverer and it takes us longer to catch on.   His latest - when called and he doesn't want to come, he pretends to poop and when we turn around he continues on his walk-about or as we call it "checking his traps."  As of right now he really doesn't care if he is in trouble and Toby-Dog in mortified of such behavior, at least be sneaky if your gonna be naughty.

At the moment his name in Chunk, we aren't sold on the name but it is 100% fitting.  However nicknames tend to come and go each day with his behavior and rapid rate of gain.  As of right now Snapper or Gator tends to be a more fitting name due to the fact he runs around the house snapping at everything as hard and fast as he possibly can.

Rather than a dog he should of been a steer, lamb, hog anything where the rate of gain matters - we are averaging 5 pounds a week rate of gain.  And the poop, well at six weeks it was bigger then Toby has ever thought of pooping, I'm hoping it will decrease - haha.  I think I just need to face it, I will be the dog walker with enormous, embarrassing poop bags; I think we will have to get him his own vest or wagon to carry it because I certainly don't want to.  He is now the same size as a six month lab that he met at the vets office, a solid 25 pounds that he knows to throw around quite well.  The fast - harder - rougher the better!

Attempting to take pictures it is nearly impossible unless he is sleeping, after many attempts this is what we came up with.  Sorry they certainly aren't great.

Fetching the morning paper!

Last week when we couldn't go down the stairs, now we like to tuck and roll or leap down the last three and hit the door.

A couple of weeks ago when he first came home.

Pile of things I have drug to the corner.

So fun, attempting to take a picture = time to wrestle.

Ahhhh - the best part of the day.

I'm getting sleepy:).

Gee - I'm not sure why Toby-Dog isn't a huge fan, as he is preparing to make the leap.

Finally - sleepy time!

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